Living With Humility: Philippians 2:1-11


Sermon Seed #3 in the Series “This Is Living!” – Philippians 2:1-11

Text: This text may well be the heart of the epistle to the Philippians. Many scholars see “Christian Unity” as the unifying theme of the book, and this is where the theme finds its most profound development. Careful study of the text yields exegetical details that enrich our understanding. The overall flow of thought is as follows:

  • Paul appeals to the Philippians, based on their shared experience in Christ, to have the same mind and love. (v. 1-2)

  • As a foundation for unity, he calls them to humility. (v. 3-4)

  • As a foundation for humility, he points them to the example of Jesus. (v. 5-11)

Note the important details. For example, Paul uses the same word for the attitude that Christians are to have toward one another (count/consider one another more important (v. 3), and the attitude that Jesus demonstrated when he did not count/consider equality with God a thing to be grasped. Also, pay attention to the chiastic structure of the hymn in v. 5-11. If we see the steps of Jesus’ descent (v. 6-8a) as parallel to the steps in his glorification (v. 9-11), the turning point and central image is the cross (v. 8b). This indicates the centrality of the cross of Jesus as the only true foundation for Christian unity.

Big Idea: There’s no real life without community. There is no real community without humility.

The Goal: Unity founded in God’s grace … same mind, same love. If there is any consolation in Christ, participation in the Spirit, comfort in love … this is what it will look like, and it is not an option for God’s people!

Gospel Component: The structure of this passage (particularly the chiasm in Philippians 2:5-11) places the cross at the very center of our path to real community. The key to community in our lives is not just getting along, being nice, staying in the room, etc., but experiencing the transforming work of the Cross of Jesus, as we die with Him there.

Powerpoint Bullets:

Habits of a spirit-formed community (application points):

  • Humility-Considering others more important vs. rivalry/conceit.

  • Care for others-Looking out for others’ interests more than just my interests/your interests, but our interests … we are together, working toward the same end. Having a passion for moving forward in togetherness. Demonstrate to the world that Christ is sufficient. In our weakness we are strong.

  • Following the example of Christ-Taking a downward path and leaving exaltation to God.


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