Living With Perspective - Philippians 1:12-30


Sermon Seed #2 in the Series “This Is Living!” – Philippians 1:12-30

Text: These verses highlight both the difficulty of Paul’s circumstances and his joy in the midst of them. The perspective he displays towards his sufferings, the spiteful efforts of his enemies, and his questionable prospects towards the future, points to some core understandings about his life that flow from the gospel. We can’t have confidence in the face of difficult days without the same foundation from which to see all of life.

Big Idea: How you see life defines how you face life.

Gospel Component:

The Gospel does not merely give us hope for some point in the future. Neither does it rescue us from the sufferings of today. But Jesus’ death and resurrection do show us that suffering can have meaning, and that it can bring about God’s redemptive purpose for the world around us. This perspective is one of the great contributions of the Gospel for our lives this side of heaven.

Powerpoint Bullets:

Thriving in life’s storms is a matter of …

  • Knowing what’s important – the Gospel is proclaimed.

  • Knowing what lasts – Being willing to see our life from the end. “To live is Christ (fruitful labor, ministry), to die is gain.”

  • Knowing the value of Suffering – “It is given to you not only to believe…but to suffer.”

It’s not just suffering that has eternal value, but how you encounter the suffering (standing firm in unity/community with other believers) that bears witness to the Gospel (Philippians 1:27-29). Knowing this value of suffering instills confidence and confirms our salvation. When we endure, grace abounds … this is what assures destruction for those who persecute us.


Identify a trial you are facing right now. Ask: How might God use this trial to bring about redemption?


Living in Serentiy: Philippians 3:1-11


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